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CMS Comparison

Alex Ross June 29, 2012
Rating: 5.0/5. From 5 votes.
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Creating a successful website 内容管理系统(CMS). With CMS 您可以创建和发布web内容,将其呈现给您的受众,以及 archive it safely.

A CMS helps you:

  • keep your website well organized and comprehensive,
  • reduce the site maintenance costs,
  • increase your data security.

CMS engine is a multifunctional application. It is capable to create a powerful portal website in a matter of minutes and it has wide supporting community. The CMS 门户提供直观的管理和处理详细的教程. CMS 包括一个内容管理应用程序,使管理和修改的内容,没有先进的网站管理员的知识, and a content delivery application, that uses new information to update the website.

CMS template is a theme for your CMS-based website. 它允许你通过几次点击来改变整个网站的外观. No need to hire a designer and pay him hundreds of dollars. The template will make the process of changing your website look fast and easy.

Here we have selected some of the most popular open source, free to download and use CMS tools: [no explanation]Joomla[/no explanation], [no explanation]WordPress[/no explanation] and [no explanation]Drupal[/no explanation]. You can choose any of them for your website,这取决于您的特殊需要或组织要求.

General Information

  Joomla WordPress Drupal
License *License type under which the product is offered. GPL GPL OSL 3.0
Cost *How much the e-commerce engine costs. Free Free Free
Language *What programming language is used. PHP PHP PHP
Data storage *What type of the database can be used. MySQL MySQL MySQL, Oracle, PostgreSQL, SQLite, Microsoft SQL Server
Open source code *指定您是否有权访问引擎源文件以及是否能够编辑它们. Yes Yes Yes
Package *See what is included into the template package you order. 引擎内置主题,主题单独,PHP, PSD, CSS,图像,样本 database Theme, PHP, CSS, PSD, images, sample database Theme, PHP, CSS, PSD, images, sample database
Skins system availability *通过管理面板更改商店主题的功能. Yes Yes Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Captcha *在计算中是否使用了一种质询-反应测试,以确保响应是由人生成的. Plugin Plugin Plugin
Content Approval Yes Yes Yes
Email Verification Yes Yes Yes
Authentication methods *向用户提供身份验证、完整性和机密性的安全协议列表. LDAP, Custom LDAP, Custom LDAP (plugin), NTLM (plugin), Custom
SSL Compatible *提供通信安全性的加密协议 Internet. Yes Yes Yes
Login History Yes Plugin Yes
Session Management *在与计算机系统的交互过程中跟踪用户活动的过程是什么. Yes Plugin Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Drag & Drop Content No Yes No
Image Resizing Yes Yes Module
Multiple File Upload Yes Yes Module
Spellchecker Plugin Yes Module
WYSIWYG Editor *WYSIWYG implies the ability to directly manipulate the layout of a document without having to type or remember names of layout commands. Yes Yes Module
Interface Localization Yes Yes Yes
Extensible User Profiles Yes Plugin Yes
Undo *Undo is a command in many computer programs. 它擦除对文档所做的最后更改,将其恢复到较旧的状态. Yes Plugin Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Caching *与存储在计算机其他地方的原始值重复的数据集合. Yes Plugin Yes
Load Balancing *负载平衡是一种计算机网络方法,用于在多台计算机或计算机集群之间分配工作负载, network links, central processing units, disk drives, or other resources, to achieve optimal resource utilization, maximize throughput, minimize response time, and avoid overload. Yes Yes Yes
Database Replication *复制是为了保证冗余资源之间的一致性而共享信息的过程, such as software or hardware 组件,以提高可靠性、容错性或可访问性. No Yes Plugin
Multilingual Content Yes Plugin Yes
Multi-Site Deployment Plugin Plugin Yes
RSS (Content Syndication) *Most commonly, 网络联合是指从一个站点提供网络提要,以便向其他人提供摘要或内容 update of the website最近添加的内容(例如,最新的新闻或论坛帖子). Yes Yes Yes


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Advertising Management Yes No Module
Content Scheduling Yes Limited Module
Inline Administration *For a user with appropriate permissions, 激活内联编辑工具的编辑控件显示在这些页面上 editor is allowed to update. 用户可以在这个编辑环境中编辑现有的网页或创建新的网页. No pop-up or secondary windows are needed. 更改可以直接保存到网站中,也可以作为挂起版本保存,稍后由 editor or automatically at a scheduled date and time. Yes Plugin Yes
Sub-sites/Roots Yes Yes Yes
Themes/Templates Yes Yes Yes
Web Statistics *The measurement, collection, analysis and reporting of internet data for purposes of understanding and optimizing web usage. 这通常是在未经用户许可或不知情的情况下完成的, in which case it becomes a breach of web browser security. Yes Plugin Yes
Web-based Translation Management *基于Web的语言翻译工具,将帮助您翻译任何网站, word, or phrase into a number of different languages. Plugin Plugin Yes
Workflow Engine *A workflow engine is a software 管理和执行模拟计算机进程的应用程序. 它是工作流技术中的一个关键组件,通常使用 database server. A workflow engine interprets events, such as documents submitted to a server or due dates expiring, and acts on them according to defined computer processes. No No Limited


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
FTP Support Yes Plugin Limited
UTF-8 Support Yes Yes Yes
WebDAV Support *网络分布式创作和版本控制(WebDAV)是超文本传输的扩展 Protocol (HTTP),方便用户在编辑和管理存储在万维网服务器上的文档和文件方面进行协作. No No No
XHTML Compliant *XHTML (eXtensible HyperText Markup Language) is a family of XML 反映或扩展广泛使用的超文本标记语言(HTML), the language in which web pages are written. Yes Yes Yes

Built-in Applications

  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Blog Yes Yes Yes
Chat Plugin Plugin Module
Classifieds *分类广告是一种广告形式,在报纸上尤为常见, 网上和其他可以免费出售或分发的期刊. Advertisements in a newspaper are typically short, as they are charged for by the line, and one newspaper column wide. Plugin Plugin Module
Contacts Management Yes Plugin Module
Forum (Discussion) Plugin Plugin Yes
Document Management Plugin Plugin Limited
Events Management Plugin No Module
FAQ Management Yes Plugin Yes
Graphs and Charts Plugin No No
Guest Book Plugin Plugin Module
Mail Form Yes Plugin Module
My Page/Dashboard Plugin Yes Module
Newsletter management Plugin Plugin Module
Search Engine Yes Yes Yes
Polls Yes Plugin Yes
Tests/Quizzes Plugin Plugin Module
Surveys Plugin Plugin Module
User Contributions Yes Yes Yes
Wiki Plugin Plugin Module
Shopping Cart Plugin Plugin Module

SEO Features

  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Metadata *Simply put, metadata is data about data. It is descriptive information about a particular data set, object, or resource, including how it is formatted, and when and by whom it was collected. Although metadata most commonly refers to web resources, it can be about either physical or electronic resources. It may be created automatically using software or entered by hand. Yes Yes Yes
SEO Friendly URLs *Clean URLs, RESTful url或用户友好型url是纯结构化url,不包含查询字符串,而只包含资源的路径(在方案[e]之后).g., http] and the authority [e.g.,]). 这通常是为了美观、可用性或搜索引擎优化(SEO) purposes. Yes Yes Yes
Site Map *A site map (or sitemap)是网页爬虫或用户可访问的网页列表. 它可以是任何形式的文档,用作网页设计的规划工具,也可以是一个 web page 它列出了网站上的页面,通常以分层方式组织. 这有助于访问者和搜索引擎机器人在网站上找到页面. Plugin Plugin Module


  Joomla WordPress Drupal
Certification Program *这方面有专业认证或学位课程吗 CMS? No Limited Limited
Code Skeletons *系统是否提供代码框架或代码模板,使新开发人员可以轻松地为其编写插件? Plugin Yes Yes
Commercial Manuals *有这方面的书籍或其他商业文档吗 CMS? Yes Yes Yes
Commercial Support *是否可以从拥有训练有素员工的商业组织购买支持? Yes Yes Yes
Developer Community *有免费的在线开发者社区吗 CMS? Yes Yes Yes

Online Help *是否内置了集成的上下文敏感帮助系统 CMS?
Yes Yes Yes

Pluggable API *系统可否透过开放及文件化的应用程序编程界面(API)?
Yes Yes Yes

Professional Hosting *Is there a vendor supplied professionally tuned hosting environment or has a certified hosting partner program?
Yes Yes Yes

Professional Services *是否有商业上可用的专业服务机构来定制或提供管理服务 CMS?
Yes Yes Yes

Public Forum *系统是否有公开的论坛或留言板?
Yes Yes Yes

Third-Party Developers *Are there third-party developers who manufacture plug-ins for the system?
Yes Yes Yes


Wordpress Website Templates
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