

nastik February 7, 2020
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  1. 你如何找到最好的照片云存储?
  2. 最好的照片云存储

If you are a photographer, 你是否专业, 或者你只是开始拍照, you should consider finding a good place to store all your photos. 硬盘驱动器将是一个完美的起点. However, these files can take much space and you may start looking for new options. 当然,你可以买更多的硬盘甚至硬盘. It may look like a good idea, but it requires you to spend some money. 这就是为什么你应该考虑找到最好的 cloud storage for photos. 然而,让我们考虑一下拍照的一些方面.

你可以拍几百张照片. Each photo can take much space, especially, if it’s a RAW photo. 专业人士更喜欢使用RAW格式的照片. Such photos are uncompressed, so you get exactly what your camera “sees”. It also provides you with great flexibility when it comes to image editing. RAW文件相当大,一张照片 session may require 10 or even 30 GB (it depends on the task and the number of photos you take). 有时,一个摄影师可以拍50甚至100张照片. Then a photographer chooses the one that meets their requirements. 这个过程可能需要一些时间. That’s why you don’t want to deal with any technical restrictions like the available space. After the photo session, you can upload all the photos on your HDD and then you can start working with them. However, what if you are away and you have no access to your computer?

让我们考虑一个简单的例子. 你有一次旅行,你想拍一些照片. 你找了一个好地方,拍了很多照片. 你可以用笔记本电脑存储新照片. However, your laptop HDD has some limits and you can run out of space quite fast. Of course, 你可以带一些外接硬盘, but it’s not always the case – you need to take them with you and it’s quite tiresome. Therefore, you need to find a solution that allows you to access your photos wherever you are. 当你需要找到最好的时候,情况就是这样 cloud storage. Of course, you need to have internet access. Such online storages are great – you can upload your photos and access them wherever you need them. There are some factors to consider, but online storages are quite useful.

如果你有的话,这是一个很好的选择 internet access. 然而,如果你在某个地方,你不能访问 internet -您仍然需要使用hdd或sdd. 幸运的是,酒店总是会为你提供 internet access.

The good thing about online storing services is that you don’t need to carry any extra HDDs, 你可以立即从笔记本电脑上传文件.

Online storages are also great if you want to share your photos. 这对团队来说是一个很好的选择. You can upload a photo. A photo retoucher can download it and start editing it immediately. Therefore, online storage is a great option to cooperate and increase your productivity.

伟大的事情就是它可以做到最好 cloud backup solution. 关键是hdd和sdd不能永远工作. The lifespan of an HDD or an SDD 可能很难预测. For example, an HDD has moving parts and they are vulnerable to impacts. SDDs don’t have moving parts, but they have capacitors, which may malfunction. If you upload your photo to online storage you can be sure that your data is safe.

Cloud 服务由专业人员维护. They value their reputation so they want to provide you with the best possible user experience. Therefore, they will do everything possible to make sure you are completely satisfied with the service.


不同的公司为您提供不同的解决方案. Some cloud services provide you with 5 GB of free space and other services let you upload 15 GB of photos. 此外,一些服务还内置了照片编辑器. Moreover, some cloud 服务可以与你的设备同步. Cloud services may have special applications that make them easier to use.

Popular cloud services are super fast. 因此,这完全取决于你的上传速度. Moreover, online storage services are available in different countries, 所以访问它们应该没有问题.

When it comes to choosing the storage consider following factors:

  • The available space. Some cloud 存储服务为您免费提供2gb的空间, 而其他服务为您提供50 GB的可用空间.
  • The price. If you need a lot of space, then you should be ready to spend some money. 有些服务可以为您提供30tb的空间.
  • Additional apps. Some services have additional applications that can make everything easier. You can manipulate your files using a tablet or a mobile phone.
  • Some cloud 服务可能有额外的功能,比如实时数据 encryption. 如果你需要额外的保护,这些服务是很好的.
  • Keep in mind that some services allow you to upload photos only. 因此无法上传视频文件.

然而,要考虑的最重要的特性是 compression. Some cloud 服务在上传文件时压缩文件. Therefore, the file takes less 空间,但是你失去了一些细节. It’s very important if you need to save the original photo quality. This is the case when you may want to retouch the photo or print it later.


可能需要一些时间才能找到解决办法. 这里列出了一些可以帮助你的解决方案


It’s a popular cloud service. It uses the SSL protocol to encrypt the data. 你可以确保没有人能看到你的照片. This service is very reliable and you can be sure that you won’t lose your data. 它还支持Android和iOS设备. 它可以处理多种图像格式,如 .jpg, .psd, .ai, .png, etc. 它还有一个历史特征. 该服务为您免费提供2gb的空间. 如果你想要更多-你可以购买订阅.

$11.99/month 2 TB
$19.99/month 3 TB
$15/month per user 5 TB
$25/month per user As much as you need


Here’s a great option for people who don’t want to spend money but have some space. 这项服务为您提供50gb的可用空间! 如果你不需要太多的空间,这是一个很好的交易. You can also buy more space.

€4.99/month 400 GB
€9.99/month 2 TB
€19.99/month 8 TB
€29.99/month 16 TB

该服务还使用复杂的加密算法. 因此,您可以确保没有人可以访问您的数据. It also has a special application that facilitates data management. A great factor about this service is that you can get 10 GB of free space if you invite your friend.

Microsoft OneDrive

以下是微软提供的一个流行解决方案. It’s super reliable. 它有一个灵活的文件访问系统. 您可以将某些文件和文件夹设置为公共或私有. It also works with Microsoft Office – you can create Word, Excel, PowerPoint files. You get 5 GB of free space. 但是,您可以购买更多的空间:

$1.99/month 100 GB
$68.99/year 1 TB
$99.99/year 总共6tb(6个用户各1000gb)

Space is quite “cheap” and it perfectly integrates with other Microsoft products. 这项服务有离线文件夹,多页扫描等.


If you use Apple devices, then this is a perfect solution for you. 它可以与不同的苹果设备完美同步. It may not have too many additional features, but it synchronizes perfectly with Apple devices. 你可以免费获得5gb的空间. The pricing plans are different for different countries, so it’s better to check it beforehand. The pricing plan shown below is for the United States of America

$0.99 50 GB
$2.99 200 GB
$9.99 2 TB

Amazon Cloud Drive

The cloud 亚马逊的服务可以从各种设备上访问. It supports RAW files. It has a prime membership that allows you to get unlimited photo storage. 此外,您还可以获得5gb的空间来存储视频文件. You can try a prime membership for 30 days to understand if that’s right what you need. 您还可以免费获得5gb的空间. The plans are:

$19.99/year 100 GB
$59.99/year 1 TB

该服务支持RAW文件. 说到照片,亚马逊真是太棒了.

Google Drive

You can get 15 GB for free. 你可以存储照片和视频. 此外,还可以创建文档、表等. 它有各种非常有用的工具. 您可以轻松地共享您的数据.

$1.99/month 100 GB
$2.99/month 200 GB
$9.99/month 2 TB
$99.99/month 10 TB
$199.99/month 20 TB
$299.99/month 30 TB

如果你每年付款,你可以省一些钱. 此外,一些计划可能有额外的功能.

If you are a photographer, then you should consider having a nice, modern website. 当然,您可以从头开始创建一切. However, it requires much time (even, if you know how to code). 幸运的是,有一个更好的选择—— 你可以得到一个模板. 这些模板非常灵活. 你可以改变它的一切. 您可以添加新元素并自定义它们. 最棒的是你不需要知道如何编码. 您可以使用简单的拖放操作来完成所有操作 editor.

你的页面是展示你的照片的理想场所. Install new plugins to add new features.

这里有一个快速的表格,可以帮助你选择最好的 cloud storage for photos:

Name Why Why not
Dropbox Data protection. Easy to use and access 只有2gb是免费的,而且可能相当贵
Mega 你可以免费获得很大的空间,并且可以加密数据 It may work slow sometimes
Microsoft OneDrive Good compatibility with Microsoft products and many additional features It doesn’t have reliable backup features
ICloud 与苹果设备完美同步 订阅费用相当昂贵
Amazon  Cloud Drive Supports RAW. 你可以获得无限的照片存储空间 You get 5 GB for free only. 免费帐户有一些限制
Google Drive Many plans. 易于使用,它有许多额外的功能 You may have some availability issues in certain countries (China).
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